Privacy Policy


AATELIER respects our customers account information as private and confidential information and does not share this with outside parties. All orders places through the SSL secure third party and information collected is used solely for the purpose of shopping with our site.

Personal Data You Provide Us

We collect personal data with your specific prior knowledge and consent, such as when you place orders with us or create an account with us. You may opt not to provide us with certain personal data, but in doing so, we may not be able to properly process your order, transaction, application, or you may not be able to enjoy special features we may offer.

Public Areas

When you post, contribute or share content to AATELIER's chat area, your submitted contents are made public. We recommend you exercise caution when you post, contribute or share content on the AATELIER public area in order to protect your personal privacy.

You are solely responsible for your use and activities on any of the site, such as: when you submit or post content on our site; any activities occurring under your account; or, ensure, protect and safeguard your account's confidentiality and security. In any event, we shall not be held liable for any and all claims, losses and damages sustained or resulting from any misuse of our site, breach on any of our site's terms and conditions, any contents you submit onto our site, or unauthorized use of your account.

Personal Data We Collect When You Buy From Us

When you buy and place an order with us, you may need to provide personal data such as your legal name, email address, telephone number, residential and shipping address, payment type and details, ship type, etc. AATELIER DOES NOT COLLECT CREDIT CARD DETAILS. If you do not provide AATELIER with the request personal data, or if the information provided is inaccurate, we may not be able to process your order or provide you with sufficient customer service upon receiving your order inquiry. We will use your submitted personal data to process your order and for purposes set out in this policy. We will not disclose any collected personal data except where stated herein or otherwise notified in advance.